전북특별자치도익산교육지원청 로고이미지

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담당부서: 교육지원과(중등교육담당), 연락처: 850-8832

2023.07.19. Wednesday
작성자 우세라 등록일 23.07.19 조회수 353

2023.07.19. Wednesday



1. Review the SWBAT and Discuss the Objectives

2. Review Comparatives and Superlatives

3. Face to Face Sketch Artist (2 groups - half in break room)

4. Introduction to Adverbs

5. Descriptive Writing & Sentences: Adding Detail

6. Line up

7. ACE method

8. Reading Home of the Brave: ACE & Annotation

9. Take Me Out to the Ballgame

10. Introduce Blooket



점심식사 및 스포츠활동


Oriole Park at Camden Yards 

메이저 리그 야구 관람

LA Dodgers : Baltimore Orioles


이전글 2023.07.20. Thursday
다음글 2023.07.18. Tuesday