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  • Welcome to the Jeonju English Center(JEC).
    JEC is an outstanding model of an English Center, which is run by Jeonbuk State Jeonju office of Education!

    We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for visiting our homepage.
    Jeonju English Center specializes in hands-on learning to support English education in schools and improve English
    communication skills.

    We have authentic English facilities in which students can learn English and experience English culture through
    a situation-specific experience programs.

    We provide customized English education programs such as in order to fulfill the role as a space for students to prepare for their careers as well as improve their English skills.

    The place where students can experience New York, London, Sydney, and other cities right here in Jeonju,
    where students can learn English with excitement in the globalized world,
    and where we relieve the financial burden of parents and have pride in public English education.

    This is Jeonju English Center!!!

    We always welcome students with a smile and
    do our best for teaching and students’
    learning experience in this Jeonju English Center.
    Thank you.