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Speeches W.B 14-20
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 20.07.06 조회수 211

 Harry's Speech:

Hello my name is Harry.

My class is Canberra.

My favorite subject is Store Class.

My favorite teacher is Hunter and

Yoon Joo Teacher.

I really like GELC. Ok, goodbye!

 Grant's Speech:

Hi, my name is Grant. It's nice to meet you!

Ok, I will start my presentation now.

First of all, I had fun while playing at GELC!

It was so much fun to do it every day.

Second, the best teacher is Hunter teacher,

because he is very kind and he is funny.

These five days here will be a good memory for me.

Thank you.

Alice's Speech:

My name is Alice. I am 12 years old. I have a dad, mom, and younger brother.

I go to Elementary School.

When I was in GELC I felt that it was fun.

It was also hard talking in English

My favorite teacher is Stuart teacher.

He is funny and gives a lot of stamps.

Thank you, Bye!

Evan's Speech:

Hello, my name is Evan.

My favorite teacher is Hunter teacher because he is very

funny, handsome and kind.

So I like him very much

Thank you very much Hunter teacher.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

Good bye.

Solomon's Speech:
Hello, I'm Solomon.
My favorite subject is P.E.
My favorite teacher is Kyunghyun teacher.
I like GELC. Because everybody was very kind.
But I was sad. Because I don't have many stamp.
Thank you everyone. Bye!

Gavin's Speech:
Hello! My name is Gavin.
My favorite subject is science.

Because I could grow a plant.
Thank you for all the teachers at GELC.
Good bye.  

이전글 Speeches W.B 17-20
다음글 Speeches W.B 13-20