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Speeches W.B 13-20
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 20.06.26 조회수 238

Corbin's Speech:

Hello, my name is Corbin

All the activities we did over the past five days at GELC were really fun.

I think it was perfect because we had nice teachers, interesting lessons and yummy food

The most interesting class was art class. I learned English and art at the same time.

Now I love GELC

What do you think?

Thank you!

Wyatt's Speech:

Hello, my name is Wyatt.

I was so happy that I came here to GELC for four days with the other fifth grade students

The most memorable activity for me was growing beans in science class because I like growing crops and zootopia is really fun

I want to visit GELC again next time

Thank you for listening to my speech

Good bye.

Noah's Speech:

The class at Gunsan English Learning Center was very interesting.

All the teachers were nice and I am so happy that I learned a lot of English.

I love and respect every teacher. It is the best English experience.

I want to come again next year.

However, it is already the last day, but this place was as informative and enjoyable as the English academy,

I will not forget and keep my memory here. Thank you to all the teachers.

이전글 Speeches W.B 14-20
다음글 Speeches W.B 12-20