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Speeches W.B 28-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.11.29 조회수 237

Class: Canberra

Name: Landon

Hi my name is Landon.

I’m in fifth grade at Yongmoon elementary school.

This week I was in Canberra class.

My favorite subject was wildlife.

There are four thousand tigers in Asia.

This is also the animal that represents Korea.

But I learned from this subject that there is not a single wild tiger in Korea.

My second favorite subject was bank.

I was happy because I could solve the content that I read in the book.

I got a lot of stamps.

English became interesting because of these classes.

Finally thank you for guiding us.

name: Paige

class: Washington D.C.


My name is Paige, and I am from Washington D.C. class. I would like to tell you all about GELC; at first, GELC was strange and awkward. But after a while, it was not uncomfortable anymore. The classes were fun, and I could ask a lot of questions. I was friendly with my teammates, so the activities were very fun. I played soccer, dodgeball, and hide-and-seek. I enjoyed many of the classes, such as Art, Science, Music, and Camping. I learned a lot at GELC, and I am grateful that the teachers spoke Korean and English, it helped us understand our classes better.

Thank you for listening to my speech.



class: Ottawa

name: Diana

Hi, I’m Diana from Ottawa class.

I have experienced and learned a lot here at GELC.

I did a lot of activities such as emergency class, music class, and science class.

My most memorable classes were science class, music class and cooking class. In science class, we made a sugar rainbow. It was really amazing and fun.

And in music class we sang a song using ‘tea’, ‘coffee’ and ‘coca cola’ while clapping.

In cooking class we made a homemade pizza. It was fun and the pizza was really delicious. If I have the chance, I want to make it again at home.

There were so many interesting classes, like physical education class with Minhee and Will teacher. And other great classes such as movie with Sam teacher. They were so interesting. I did so many fun classes that my five days here passed so quickly.

Thank you to the teachers for teaching me lots of things.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

이전글 Speeches W.B 29-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 27-19