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Speeches W.B 25-19
작성자 군산영어체험학습센터 등록일 19.11.08 조회수 216

Canberra: Mandy

Hi my name is Yuna Kim.

My English name at GELC was Mandy.

I was so excited coming to GELC during this week.

It was especially fun when I talked with my English teachers in the classes.

Even though I couldn’t speak English well, I could feel what they said in my heart.

I’m so sad that it’s already the last class today.

I want to come back when I have the chance.

This week was very meaningful to me.

I appreciate every teacher for listening to me.

Bye bye!

class: Washington D.C.

name: Quinn


My name is Quinn, and I am from Washington D.C. class. Today is our last day at GELC. How does it feel? It is such a shame that I can no longer study at GELC. How did you guys like studying here? I am really happy that I was able to study so many awesome classes! I really appreciate the teachers for all of the fun classes.

Okay, that’s a wrap!

Thank you for listening to my speech. Have a good one!

class: Ottawa

name: Sunny

Hello everyone.

How are you doing?

My name is Sunny, in Ottawa class.

Now I’m going to talk about how happy I’ve been over the past week at GELC.

Fortunately I enjoyed myself here much more than I expected.

I studied a lot of subjects that I can’t learn at school. It was really good.

And I met many great teachers here.

So I would love to study here again.

Okay, that’s a wrap.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

이전글 Speeches W.B 26-19
다음글 Speeches W.B 24-19