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우리아이의 미래 군산영어체험학습센터가 함께합니다.


구분 내용
목표 - 프로젝트 중심의 수업을 통해 문제해결 능력을 향상
- 영어의사소통능력을 신장하고 글로벌 시민으로서의 자질 향상
운영대상 중학교 1학년
선발방법 희망 학생 중 컴퓨터 추첨으로 선발
운영기간 25. 1. 21(수) ~ 1. 23(금)
운영시간 09:30~13:00 (1일 4시간)
교재 자체 제작
참가비 무료(점심 제공)
교과목 Shark Tank
You think you can be an inventor, huh? Well, then, prove it? You, along with a small team of your peers, will be tasked to come-up with the next big invention. Your team will create a presentation, deliver a pitch, and display a prototype. At the end of the week, the best invention will be acknowledged in front of the class. Happy inventing!

Escape Room
The fate of humanity lies in your hands. After a disaster in as science lab, humans have been exposed to a zombie virus which is spreading rapidly around the world. Work as a team to complete puzzles and challenges in order to escape and access the antidote. If you survive, make your own escape room scenario and surprise your classmates.

Survivor Camp
Oh no! Your plane crashed and you have been deserted on an island. You must solve the survival missions in order to make it out alive! By the time you leave this island, you will be an expert at: reading a compass, bandaging your fellow survivors, building an island shelter, and much more.

Film Making
In this class students will learn about movies and how they tell stories and then they will make their own! From discussing movie ideas, to writing screenplays, and finally filming their movies, students will practice English writing, speaking, reading, comprehension, and learn how to apply them in an exciting real world situation.

What Do Portraits Communicate?
Student will make connections between their personal experiences and a work of art. They will use visual analysis to verbally describe a portrait. Students will develop inference skills which can be transferred to reading exercises.

Musical Genres
Students will learn about musical genres and their impact on youth subcultures. Students will use their personal experience to discuss preferences and influence. Students will use the skills gained in this course to make a visual and verbal group presentations.

Cooking Course
The aim of this course is not to teach students how to cook, but to utilize cooking as a means to encourage students’ use of English. The general idea of the course is that the students will form groups and do research on simple food dishes.

      Throughout the course students will
      Prepare presentations
      Perform research
      Learn how to cook their dish
      Teach the class how to make their dish

An idea to make the course more unique is to have students research a specific country and make a dish based on their research. In this case, students will have to provide a recipe and the ingredients required to make their dish.