Welcome to the website of Imsil English Center
Imsil English Center(ISEC), run by the Imsil Branch Office of Education, is a leading model of a rural-type English experience learning. ISEC was established for boosting English education and reduce private education costs by supplementing what the public schools do. Since its opening in 2007, ISEC has provided the elementary and middle school students in Imsil and its vicinity with a chance of real and practical English culture experience and has elicited the students’ interest for English.

English communicative competence is becoming more important in an era of internationalization. The most effective way for enhancing English speaking ability is to practice English and to experience various international cultures in real-life situations. Therefore ISEC has eight subject-based programs such as Science, P.E., Social Studies, and 16 types of situation rooms. The situation rooms are designed to be interesting while experiencing cultures of English speaking countries. Especially, students can enjoy exciting evening classes while staying in the ISEC dormitory.

As a partner to cultivate students to become leaders who are equipped with global competitiveness, ISEC will play the leading role to help students enhance their English abilities through developing customized contents and programs for students in the rural area.

Thank you very much for all your interest and support for ISEC.
The ImSil English Center(ISEC) Faculty